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diff --git a/doc/toc.txt b/doc/toc.txt
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+# Copyright (c) 1998-9 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Version: TOC1.0
+This document describes the protocol between TOC and TOC clients.
+The protocol is built on TCP. Framing is done by SFLAP,
+described at the bottom of this document. Inside each
+SFLAP frame is a TOC command.
+The TOC protocol is ASCII based, and special attention
+must be placed argument separation. The separator and
+the rules of separation are different for messages inbound
+to TOC and outbound to the client. The rules of separation
+are described in sections below.
+The TOC server is built mainly to service the TIC and TiK clients. Since
+the TIC client is a Java applet, and downloadable, TOC will NOT support
+multiple TOC protocol versions at the same time. Therefore, TiK
+users will be forced to upgrade if the protocol version changes.
+TOC sends down the protocol version it expects the client
+to speak and understand. Note, the protocol version is a string.
+Important Notes
+* TOC will drop the connection if a command exceeds the maximum
+ length, which is currently 2048 bytes. So the client needs to
+ spend special attention to im, chat, and config message lengths.
+ There is an 8k length maximum from TOC to the client.
+* No commands should be sent to TOC (besides toc_signon) before
+ a SIGN_ON is received. If you do send a command before SIGN_ON
+ the command will be ignored, and in some case the connection
+ will be dropped.
+* Initial permit/deny items should be sent after receiving SIGN_ON
+ but before sending toc_init_done, otherwise the user will flash
+ on peoples buddylist who the user has denied. You will probably
+ want to send the toc_add_buddies at this time also.
+* After TOC sends the PAUSE message to a client, all messages sent
+ to TOC will be ignored, and in some cases the connection will
+ be dropped. Another SIGN_ON message will be sent to the client
+ when it is online again. The buddy list and permit/deny items must
+ be sent again, followed by the toc_init_done. In most cases the
+ SIGN_ON message will be sent between 1-2 seconds after the
+ PAUSE message. Therefore a client could choose to ignore the
+ PAUSE message and hope nothing bad happens.
+Client -> TOC
+The commands and the arguments are usually separated by whitespaces. Arguments
+with whitespace characters should be enclosed in quotes. Dollar signs,
+curly brackets, square brackets, parentheses, quotes, and backslashes
+must all be backslashed whether in quotes or not. It is usually
+a good idea just to use quotes no matter what. All user names from clients
+to TOC should be normalized (spaces removed and lowercased), and therefore
+are the one exception to the always use quotes rule.
+When sending commands to the server you will not get a response
+back confirming that the command format was correct or not! However
+in some cases if the command format was incorrect the connection
+will be dropped.
+toc_signon <authorizer host> <authorizer port> <User Name> <Password>
+ <language> <version>
+ The password needs to be roasted with the Roasting String if
+ coming over a FLAP connection, CP connections don't use
+ roasted passwords. The language specified will be used
+ when generating web pages, such as the get info pages.
+ Currently the only supported language is "english".
+ If the language sent isn't found, the default "english"
+ language will be used. The version string will be used
+ for the client identity, and must be less then 50
+ characters.
+ Passwords are roasted when sent to the host. This is done so they
+ aren't sent in "clear text" over the wire, although they are still
+ trivial to decode. Roasting is performed by first xoring each byte
+ in the password with the equivalent modulo byte in the roasting
+ string. The result is then converted to ascii hex, and prepended
+ with "0x". So for example the password "password" roasts to
+ "0x2408105c23001130"
+ Tells TOC that we are ready to go online. TOC clients should first
+ send TOC the buddy list and any permit/deny lists. However toc_init_done
+ must be called within 30 seconds after toc_signon, or the connection
+ will be dropped. Remember, it can't be called until after the SIGN_ON
+ message is received. Calling this before or multiple times after a
+ SIGN_ON will cause the connection to be dropped.
+toc_send_im <Destination User> <Message> [auto]
+ Send a message to a remote user. Remember to quote and encode the
+ message. If the optional string "auto" is the last argument, then the
+ auto response flag will be turned on for the im.
+toc_add_buddy <Buddy User 1> [<Buddy User2> [<Buddy User 3> [...]]]
+ Add buddies to your buddy list. This does not change your
+ saved config.
+toc_remove_buddy <Buddy User 1> [<Buddy User2> [<Buddy User 3> [...]]]
+ Remove buddies from your buddy list. This does not change your
+ saved config.
+toc_set_config <Config Info>
+ Set the config information for this user. The config information
+ is line oriented with the first character being the item type,
+ followed by a space, with the rest of the line being the item
+ value. Only letters, numbers, and spaces should be used. Remember
+ you will have to enclose the entire config in quotes.
+ Item Types:
+ g - Buddy Group (All Buddies until the next g or the end of config
+ are in this group.)
+ b - A Buddy
+ p - Person on permit list
+ d - Person on deny list
+ m - Permit/Deny Mode. Possible values are
+ 1 - Permit All
+ 2 - Deny All
+ 3 - Permit Some
+ 4 - Deny Some
+toc_evil <User> <norm|anon>
+ Evil/Warn someone else. The 2nd argument is either the string
+ "norm" for a normal warning, or "anon" for an anonymous
+ warning. You can only evil people who have recently sent you
+ ims. The higher someones evil level, the slower they can
+ send message.
+toc_add_permit [ <User 1> [<User 2> [...]]]
+ ADD the following people to your permit mode. If
+ you are in deny mode it will switch you to permit
+ mode first. With no arguments and in deny mode
+ this will switch you to permit none. If already
+ in permit mode, no arguments does nothing
+ and your permit list remains the same.
+toc_add_deny [ <User 1> [<User 2> [...]]]
+ ADD the following people to your deny mode. If
+ you are in permit mode it will switch you to
+ deny mode first. With no arguments and in permit
+ mode, this will switch you to deny none. If
+ already in deny mode, no arguments does nothing
+ and your deny list remains unchanged.
+toc_chat_join <Exchange> <Chat Room Name>
+ Join a chat room in the given exchange. Exchange is
+ an integer that represents a group of chat rooms.
+ Different exchanges have different properties. For
+ example some exchanges might have room replication (ie
+ a room never fills up, there are just multiple
+ instances.) and some exchanges might have navigational
+ information, and some exchanges might have ... Currently
+ exchange should always be 4, however this may
+ change in the future. You will either
+ receive an ERROR if the room couldn't be joined
+ or a CHAT_JOIN message. The Chat Room Name
+ is case insensitive and consecutive spaces
+ are removed.
+toc_chat_send <Chat Room ID> <Message>
+ Send a message in a chat room using the chat room
+ id from CHAT_JOIN. Since reflection is always on in
+ TOC, you do not need to add the message to your chat UI,
+ since you will get a CHAT_IN with the message.
+ Remember to quote and encode the message.
+toc_chat_whisper <Chat Room ID> <dst_user> <Message>
+ Send a message in a chat room using the chat room
+ id from CHAT_JOIN. This message is directed at
+ only one person. (Currently you DO need to add this to
+ your UI.) Remember to quote and encode the message.
+ Chat whispering is different from IMs since it is linked
+ to a chat room, and should usually be displayed in the chat
+ room UI.
+toc_chat_evil <Chat Room ID> <User> <norm|anon>
+ Evil/Warn someone else inside a chat room. The 3rd argument is either
+ the string "norm" for a normal warning, or "anon" for an anonymous
+ warning. Currently chat evil is not turned on in the chat complex.
+toc_chat_invite <Chat Room ID> <Invite Msg> <buddy1> [<buddy2> [<buddy3> [...]]]
+ Once you are inside a chat room you can invite other people into
+ that room. Remember to quote and encode the invite message.
+toc_chat_leave <Chat Room ID>
+ Leave the chat room.
+toc_chat_accept <Chat Room ID>
+ Accept a CHAT_INVITE message from TOC. The server will send a
+ CHAT_JOIN in response.
+toc_get_info <username>
+ Gets a user's info a GOTO_URL or ERROR message will be sent back to the
+ client.
+toc_set_info <info information>
+ Set the LOCATE user information. This is basic HTML.
+ Remember to encode the info.
+toc_set_away [<away message>]
+ if the away message is present, then the unavailable
+ status flag is set for the user. If the away message
+ is not present, then the unavailable status flag is
+ unset. The away message is basic HTML, remember to
+ encode the information.
+toc_get_dir <username>
+ Gets a user's dir info a GOTO_URL or ERROR message will be sent back to the
+ client.
+toc_set_dir <info information>
+ Set the DIR user information. This is a colon separated fields as in:
+ "first name":"middle name":"last name":"maiden name":"city":"state":"country":"email":"allow web searches"
+ Should return a DIR_STATUS msg. Having anything in the "allow web searches"
+ field allows people to use web-searches to find your directory info.
+ Otherwise, they'd have to use the client.
+toc_dir_search <info information>
+ Perform a search of the Oscar Directory, using colon separated fields as in:
+ "first name":"middle name":"last name":"maiden name":"city":"state":"country":"email"
+ Returns either a GOTO_URL or ERROR msg.
+toc_set_idle <idle secs>
+ Set idle information. If <idle secs> is 0 then the user isn't idle at all.
+ If <idle secs> is greater then 0 then the user has already been idle
+ for <idle secs> number of seconds. The server will automatically
+ keep incrementing this number, so do not repeatedly call with new
+ idle times.
+toc_set_caps [ <Capability 1> [<Capability 2> [...]]]
+ Set my capabilities. All capabilities that we support need to
+ be sent at the same time. Capabilities are represented by
+ UUIDs.
+toc_rvous_propose - Not Implemented Yet
+toc_rvous_accept <nick> <cookie> <service> <tlvlist>
+ Accept a rendezvous proposal from the user <nick>.
+ <cookie> is the cookie from the RVOUS_PROPOSE
+ message. <service> is the UUID the proposal was
+ for. <tlvlist> contains a list of tlv tags followed by
+ base64 encoded values.
+toc_rvous_cancel <nick> <cookie> <service> <tlvlist>
+ Cancel a rendezvous proposal from the user <nick>.
+ <cookie> is the cookie from the RVOUS_PROPOSE
+ message. <service> is the UUID the proposal was
+ for. <tlvlist> contains a list of tlv tags followed by
+ base64 encoded values.
+toc_format_nickname <new_format>
+ Reformat a user's nickname. An ADMIN_NICK_STATUS or ERROR message will
+ be sent back to the client.
+toc_change_passwd <existing_passwd new_passwd>
+ Change a user's password. An ADMIN_PASSWD_STATUS or ERROR message will
+ be sent back to the client.
+TOC -> Client
+All user names from TOC to client are NOT normalized, and are
+sent as they should be displayed. String are NOT encoded, instead
+we use colons as separators. So that you can have colons inside
+of messages, everything after the colon before :<Message> should
+be considered part of the message (ie don't just "split" on colons,
+instead split with a max number of results.)
+SIGN_ON:<Client Version Supported>
+ This is sent after a successful toc_signon command is sent to TOC.
+ If the command was unsuccessful either the FLAP connection will
+ be dropped or you will receive a ERROR message.
+ A user's config. Config can be empty in which case the host was not able to
+ retrieve it, or a config didn't exist for the user. See toc_set_config
+ above for the format.
+ Tells you your correct nickname (ie how it should be capitalized and
+ spacing)
+IM_IN:<Source User>:<Auto Response T/F?>:<Message>
+ Receive an IM from some one. Everything after the third colon is
+ the incoming message, including other colons.
+UPDATE_BUDDY:<Buddy User>:<Online? T/F>:<Evil Amount>:<Signon Time>:<IdleTime>:<UC>
+ This one command handles arrival/depart/updates. Evil Amount is
+ a percentage, Signon Time is UNIX epoc, idle time is in minutes, UC (User Class)
+ is a two/three character string.
+ uc[0]:
+ ' ' - Ignore
+ 'A' - On AOL
+ uc[1]
+ ' ' - Ignore
+ 'A' - Oscar Admin
+ 'U' - Oscar Unconfirmed
+ 'O' - Oscar Normal
+ uc[2]
+ '\0' - Ignore
+ ' ' - Ignore
+ 'U' - The user has set their unavailable flag.
+ERROR:<Error Code>:Var args
+ * General Errors *
+ 901 - $1 not currently available
+ 902 - Warning of $1 not currently available
+ 903 - A message has been dropped, you are exceeding
+ the server speed limit
+ * Admin Errors *
+ 911 - Error validating input
+ 912 - Invalid account
+ 913 - Error encountered while processing request
+ 914 - Service unavailable
+ * Chat Errors *
+ 950 - Chat in $1 is unavailable.
+ * IM & Info Errors *
+ 960 - You are sending message too fast to $1
+ 961 - You missed an im from $1 because it was too big.
+ 962 - You missed an im from $1 because it was sent too fast.
+ * Dir Errors *
+ 970 - Failure
+ 971 - Too many matches
+ 972 - Need more qualifiers
+ 973 - Dir service temporarily unavailable
+ 974 - Email lookup restricted
+ 975 - Keyword Ignored
+ 976 - No Keywords
+ 977 - Language not supported
+ 978 - Country not supported
+ 979 - Failure unknown $1
+ * Auth errors *
+ 980 - Incorrect nickname or password.
+ 981 - The service is temporarily unavailable.
+ 982 - Your warning level is currently too high to sign on.
+ 983 - You have been connecting and
+ disconnecting too frequently. Wait 10 minutes and try again.
+ If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer.
+ 989 - An unknown signon error has occurred $1
+EVILED:<new evil>:<name of eviler, blank if anonymous>
+ The user was just eviled.
+CHAT_JOIN:<Chat Room Id>:<Chat Room Name>
+ We were able to join this chat room. The Chat Room Id is
+ internal to TOC.
+CHAT_IN:<Chat Room Id>:<Source User>:<Whisper? T/F>:<Message>
+ A chat message was sent in a chat room.
+CHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY:<Chat Room Id>:<Inside? T/F>:<User 1>:<User 2>...
+ This one command handles arrival/departs from a chat room. The
+ very first message of this type for each chat room contains the
+ users already in the room.
+CHAT_INVITE:<Chat Room Name>:<Chat Room Id>:<Invite Sender>:<Message>
+ We are being invited to a chat room.
+CHAT_LEFT:<Chat Room Id>
+ Tells tic connection to chat room has been dropped
+GOTO_URL:<Window Name>:<Url>
+ Goto a URL. Window Name is the suggested internal name of the window
+ to use. (Java supports this.)
+DIR_STATUS:<Return Code>:<Optional args>
+ <Return Code> is always 0 for success status.
+ADMIN_NICK_STATUS:<Return Code>:<Optional args>
+ <Return Code> is always 0 for success status.
+ADMIN_PASSWD_STATUS:<Return Code>:<Optional args>
+ <Return Code> is always 0 for success status.
+ Tells TIC to pause so we can do migration
+ [:tlv tag1:tlv value1[:tlv tag2:tlv value2[:...]]]
+ Another user has proposed that we rendezvous with them to
+ perform the service specified by <uuid>. They want us
+ to connect to them, we have their rendezvous ip, their
+ proposer_ip, and their verified_ip. The tlv values are
+ base64 encoded.
+Typical Signon Process
+Except for the section marked optional this is an sequential
+process. Each line MUST occur before the following line.
+* Client connects to TOC
+* Client sends "FLAPON\r\n\r\n"
+* TOC sends Client FLAP SIGNON
+* Client sends TOC FLAP SIGNON
+* Client sends TOC "toc_signon" message
+* if login fails TOC drops client's connection
+ else TOC sends client SIGN_ON reply
+* if Client doesn't support version it drops the connection
+ * TOC sends Client CONFIG
+ * Client sends TOC permit/deny stuff
+ * Client sends TOC toc_add_buddy message
+* Client sends TOC toc_init_done message
+SFLAP Documentation
+SFLAP is pretty much a FLAP connection except the DATA frame payload is a null
+terminated string when traveling from client to host, it is NOT null
+terminated when traveling from host to client. The FLAP Header is binary
+data, and is in network byte order. The data portion is at offset 6, after the
+header. The sequence number is sequential in each direction. So
+packets from the server to client have one sequence number, while
+the packets from the client to server have an independent
+increasing number.
+FLAP Header (6 bytes)
+Offset Size Type
+0 1 ASTERISK (literal ASCII '*')
+1 1 Frame Type
+2 2 Sequence Number
+4 2 Data Length
+Valid Frame Type Values
+3 ERROR (Not used by TOC)
+4 SIGNOFF (Not used by TOC)
+Sequence Number contains the initial sequence number used in each direction.
+Data Length contains the payload length, with the payload described
+below. The payload area is NOT null terminated.
+Host To Client:
+ 4 byte FLAP version (1)
+Client To Host:
+ 4 byte FLAP version (1)
+ 2 byte TLV Tag (1)
+ 2 byte Normalized User Name Length
+ N byte Normalized User Name (NOT null terminated)
+Sequence Number contains the next sequence number.
+Data Length is the length of the payload, including the null termination
+from client to host.