Friends' Websites
- nick99nack - Currently in the process of taking over the internet. I Totally didn't steal any of his stuff.
- dkay - The land of norton.
- Vbc - Cool brazilian dude, does programming and stuff
- KickfaceHQ - The interwebz home of Daniel Kickface and Team Kickface! Uses a totally rad FrontPage 2003 theme.
- Sashi - Site redesign #8! I'll find a website style I enjoy eventually, I swear!
- noone - Strangeness Network, noone's website.
- raf - is a shelf
- CamK06 - Now with more outdated HTML!
- HIDEN - Moar buttons!
- Coco - needs to go to the brain store
- Toxidation - h (idk if this is his actual domain he has like 5)
- xproot - a random internet person on this very random planet
Cool Projects
- ToS;DR - “I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web. They aim to fix that.
- NINA - Upcoming revival of the America Online service.
- Escargot - MSN & Yahoo Messenger Revival
Other Cool Stuff
- WinWorld - WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of vintage, abandoned, and pre-release software.
- ToastyTech - Nathan's Toasty Technology Page
- Optimized for no one - Optimized for no one, but pretty much OK with . . .
- Cameron's World - A love letter to the Internet of old.